Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy Halloween! October 2009

Halloween is HUGE here in Nichada! The kids all dress up and trick or treat, and the maids, drivers, and their kids all don’t dress up but still trick or treat! This year a new neighborhood has open up in Nichada, and it houses all the families from the US Embassy. That was THE place to be this year, because they had a lot of American candy to pass out since they could shop at the commissary at the Embassy!

You can see some of our festivities below….Nate had a Halloween party at school on Friday, then Friday night Rick and I headed to a Halloween party down the street (I was a Greek goddess, he was a construction worker but somehow everyone tagged him as Bob the Builder – it worked!), we carved funny looking Thai pumpkins that are really squatty and not quite orange, and the kids, of course, dressed up. This year we had a gypsy (Caroline,) a cowgirl (Leah,) a construction worker (Nate,) and Harry Potter (Tim) – plus some assorted other kids when we started trick or treating!

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