Monday, May 11, 2009

Father-Daughter Dance, May 10. 2009

One of the highlights of this month has been the Father Daughter dance that Rick and Caroline and Leah went to! The dance is sponsored by the Girl Guides of Thailand (sister organization to Girl Scouts of America…both girls are in the Girl Guides) and is quite the formal event, held downtown at one of the very nice hotels on Sukhumvit, one of the main roads through Bangkok. As you can see, both Rick and the girls are all very dressed up, and the girls hit the beauty salon before hand to have their hair and nails done, too! They headed out with Leah’s best friend, Jeanre, and her dad, Juan (while Jeanre’s mom, Melinda, and I took Tim, Nate, and Ruan, Jeanre’s brother, for dinner and bowling!) The girls (and Rick) danced and ate all night long, and Caroline was heard saying, “This is the best party I’ve ever been to!”


Anonymous said...

pretty girls, caroline looks so grown up with that farrah fawcet hair! love it!

kym said...

Wow, it's only been a year and the girls look so grown-up!
Although I still see that look in Leah's eye :)